In the treatment of rosacea, knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that influence your rosacea, can lead to a more successful treatment.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Resolve to Manage Your Rosacea In 2013

With each new year it's customary to make a new year's resolution. Many times we over extend our resolution and set the bar so high that we are destined to fail. Set the course and make your Rosacea 2013 Resolution an attainable goal. Minor changes to your daily routine can make a huge impact on your rosacea symptoms. Redness, itching and inflammation all have a common denominator- dehydration. Make it your goal to double the amount of water you consume each day. It's an inexpensive, low maintenance treatment. It may sound like a lot but if you drink a glass of water before each meal, and one in-between meals, you will be a long way to achieving your goal. A minor rosacea resolution with a very major impact.

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

RosaceaTreatment - Rosacea-Ltd

Treatment with Rosacea-Ltd results in a visible decrease in facial redness. Most rosacea sufferers noted significant results in less than two weeks after starting Rosacea-Ltd.

Treatment with Rosacea-Ltd caused a rapid clearing of rosacea papules and pustules within five to ten days, while assisting in the prevention of future breakouts.

Rosacea-Ltd is invisible on the skin but using Rosacea-Ltd according to your customized directions will result in a visible difference in the appearance and condition of your skin.

Rosacea-Ltd contains no irritating fragrances.

Order Rosacea-Ltd today and start seeing results next week.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Rosacea-Ltd Disks Eliminated 99% of my Rosacea

The Rosacea-Ltd disks 99% eliminated a rosacea condition on my jawline and forehead that my dermatologist said was not curable. This product has been a miracle for me. I am so grateful to have found this product and am glad to enthusiastically recommend it to others. If you are hoping to find the cure for your rosacea, look no further than the Rosacea Ltd website.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Triggers Affecting the Occurence of Rosacea

Several factors have been identified that may be related to the development of rosacea:
~A disorder of the blood vessels that causes them to swell, leading to flushing may be a factor in rosacea.

~A genetic predisposition combined with certain environmental factors that may irritate the skin causing rosacea symptoms to occur.

~Clogging of the sebaceous gland openings with skin mites called Demodex folliculorum, which live in facial-hair follicles are thought by some to be a factor in the presence of rosacea.

~Rosacea appears to affect fair-skinned people more often, though it can affect any skin type. Often several people in a family have rosacea, so researchers think it may be at least partly genetic.

~Rosacea by the numbers may be more common in women, but is often more severe in men -- perhaps because men tend to delay seeking medical help until rosacea reaches advanced stages.

~Other factors that may be involved include vitamin-B deficiency, local infection, hydrochloric-acid (stomach acid) deficiency, infection with Helicobacter pylori, and/or digestive disorders.

~In some cases, rosacea may be associated with migraine headache, other skin disorders, and certain eye disorders, including blepharitis and keretitis.

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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Treating Rosacea

Treatment with Rosacea-Ltd IV improves the appearance of the patient's symptoms by reducing facial redness, dilated vessels, and as reduces rosacea related papules.

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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Diagnosing Rosacea

There are no standard diagnostic tests to definitively diagnose rosacea. A diagnosis of rosacea generally determined based on clinical symptoms and after ruling out other similar conditions such as sunburn, acne, psoriasis, eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, lupus or medication induced skin reactions.

Rosacea occurs primarily on the face but may be found to spread to the neck or ears in more extreme cases.  The symptoms include flushing that may come and go eventually becoming more permanent, redness and skin irritation, swelling of the reddened areas of skin, itching, burning, pain, skin tightness, bumps and possibly acne-like pimples. Factors such as medications, sun exposure, heat, environmental conditions, exercise, sweating, exercise, stress, spicy food and dehydration can cause the symptoms to worsen or flare .

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Rosacea Facial Redness

The symptoms of rosacea can vary from person to person, however there are many commonalities. One of the earliest symptoms of rosacea is flushing or diffuse redness. Facial redness or erythema is also the most common symptom of rosacea. Rosacea facial redness is caused by hundreds of tiny dilated blood vessels near the surface of the facial skin that become inflamed or dilated due to many rosacea triggers.

Facial redness has been described as a flushed appearance caused by an embarrassing situation or stress in a social gathering. Some people find when they have to give a speech or public address that they experience facial heat and redness due to the nervousness or stress.

Some may experience a  blotchy redness or patches of bright facial redness as a result of exercise or strenuous activity. If the redness becomes more permanent or constant, one may suspect the skin condition known as rosacea.

Rosacea sufferers are often asked if they have gotten a sunburn and may be further embarrassed when others comment and inquire - doesn't that hurt.

Treatment needs to begin with an understanding of the cause of your flushing. 

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