In the treatment of rosacea, knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that influence your rosacea, can lead to a more successful treatment.

Monday, May 09, 2005

A Clear Picture of Rosacea

To get a clear picture of rosacea; it may be best to start with a clinical definition of rosacea.: Rosacea is a hereditary, chronic (long term) skin disorder that most often affects the nose, forehead, cheekbones, and chin (Dr. Berasques). Groups of tiny microvessels (arterioles, capillaries, and venules) close to the surface of the skin become dilated, resulting in blotchy red areas with small papules (a small, red solid elevated inflammatory skin lesion without pus, that is minor when the size is of a small measles lesion, moderate when about the size of a pencil eraser, and severe when the papule is the size of a small currency coin or the tip of the little finger) and pustules (pus-filled inflammatory bumps). The redness can come and go, but eventually it may become permanent. Furthermore, the skin tissue can swell and thicken and may be tender and sensitive to the touch. Note: Pustules are NOT pimples. Pimples have a bacterial component to their pathogenesis and are also mainly localized in and around the hair follicles. This implies that there can be no cure for rosacea or even an effective treatment for your rosacea and yet many have found ways to control their rosacea through effective treatment and lifestyle changes.