In the treatment of rosacea, knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that influence your rosacea, can lead to a more successful treatment.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Rosacea Research & Development Institute

Rosacea Research & Development Institute Newsletter - September 2005 The RRDi is still up and running, awaiting 501 (c) (3) approval from the Internal Revenue Service of the USA. The application was filled out and sent in by a Certified Public Accountant who did this for the unusual price of only $500. With the other expenses that leaves us about $59 in the bank. The news is that Warren Stuart, RRDi Assistant Director, has spent an untold number of hours volunteering to make a private forum for members of the corporation. This will not be a public forum and will only be available to registered corporate members of the RRDi. The RRDi has maintained a database of members but the Articles of Incorporation state that each corporate member must provide a name, a mailing address, two email addresses, and state whether or not the member is a rosacean. There are some who have joined who have not provided this information and will be notified that they are not a legal member unless they provide this information. Corporate members have certain legal voting rights in the corporation. If you wish to use the new private forum as a corporate member, you will have to REGISTER as a corporate member by going to the forum at this url > The difference between the RRDi and all the other non profits for rosacea are: (1) First non profit organization made by rosaceans for rosaceans (2) Public access to the Articles of Incorporation, By Laws, and Conflict of Interest Policy - no other rosacea non profit to date has ever done this (3) Public access to an exact accounting of the funds received and spent - no other non profit for rosacea does this (4) Corporate members can choose who serves on the Board of Directors - no other non profit for rosacea does this. The board of directors hope you see the difference and will be a volunteer who supports the RRDi and its mission statement, as follows: The Rosacea Research & Development Institute [RRDi] is the first non-profit organization made by rosaceans for rosaceans that will collect donations for rosacea research to be performed by physicians and biomedical research scientists and includes these specific goals: Goal # 1: To be the first non profit organization for rosacea patient advocacy. Goal # 2: To have a majority of rosaceans the right to vote who sits on the board of directors. Goal # 3: To make this the first rosacea specific non profit organization to utilize most of the donations for research and treatment development. This is in stark contrast to non profit organizations that spend 50% to 80% of their donations on paying their staff. Goal # 4: To allow rosacea sufferers to guide where and how the money is spent on rosacea research and be the first non profit organization to allow rosaceans to be members of the corporation. Until June 7, 2004, the date of incorporation, there had been no other non profit organization that allowed input from rosacea sufferers. Goal # 5: To attain a level such that the RRDi can directly impact medical articles published on the subject, information disseminated to physicians and rosacea sufferers and apply positive pressure on the medical community that does not take rosacea seriously.Brady Barrows