In the treatment of rosacea, knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that influence your rosacea, can lead to a more successful treatment.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Rosacea Skin Care Products – Topical Treatment

Rosacea skin care products aim to manage rosacea once the disorder is already under control.

 In 1989, the first topical treatment specific to rosacea was approved by the FDA. Metronidazole is manufactured under several different names, including Metrogel®, Metrocream® and Metrolotion®, and Noritate®.

Another rosacea-specific topical product is Rosacea-LTD III™, a mixture of zinc oxide, polyethylene glycol, manganesium sterate, iron oxide, sodium chloride, and sulfur.

Dermatologists might also prescribe other topical rosacea skin care products containing a sulfuric or azaleic acid, as well as gentle cleansers and moisturizers.