A Cause of Rosacea
We all know, but hardly think that the cause is a build up of carbon dioxide which is an ‘acidic’ gas and we have a shortage of oxygen. Very similarly, when we exercise for a short period, we have a build up of ‘lactic acid’ which is a body waste which is obviously acidic. Likewise, those with rosacea need to be very concerned about the build up of acids in our blood stream due to the foods and beverages that we consume.
We all know of our triggers such as alcohol, coffee, pizza, candy/cookies, various medications, etc. which all have a pH below 7.0 or is termed acidic.
Our objective therefore should be to balance, buffer or neutralize the acids with alkaline. Water is alkaline with a pH of about 7.3, and likewise more alkaline foods such as more “fresh vegetables and fruits are needed which are alkaline (higher pH than 7.0).
Acidic foods and drinks are the problem with a pH of below 7.0 such as coffee at 2.2 and beer averaging 2.0 to 2.5, wines at 3.0, whiskeys/gin/vodka at 4.0 (2 ounces mixed with six ounces of water at 7.3 averages about 6.5 pH or so which is a good drink. The opposite is true when mixed with coke as Soft Drinks have a pH of about 2-2.5 pH. So try hard to minimize the above drinks and delete them entirely if possible while increasing your alkaline foods.
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