In the treatment of rosacea, knowledge is power. Understanding the factors that influence your rosacea, can lead to a more successful treatment.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Accessing Rosacea Information

Rosacea is a hereditary, chronic skin disorder which most often affects the face. Groups of tiny blood vessels under the skin of the face dilate, causing flushing (general facial redness), spidery veins, and/or blotchy red areas with small papules (inflammatory bumps).
Ocular rosacea can cause inflammation, redness, and irritation of the eyes.
Rosacea can be aggravated by sunlight, stress, allergies, alcohol, spicy foods and extreme temperatures.
Topical steroids (e.g., DesOwen, Westcort) at first calm rosacea symptoms but over time may destroy the skin and cause severe disfigurement: "a flaming red, scaling, papule-covered face".
Pregnant women must be extremely cautious about any use of medication.
Stress aggravates rosacea and acne.
Cigarette smoking aggravates rosacea and acne.
Alcohol dehydrates the body and provokes rosacea-related facial flushing (redness).
Lifestyle changes and healthy habits can greatly reduce the redness, papules, and other symptoms of rosacea. Recommended lifestyle changes:
Reduce stress.
Drink at least 8 eight-ounce glasses of water (2 liters) per day. Ten to twelve glasses (3 liters) per day is recommended. Water should be icy cold. The hypothalamus, the body's "thermostat", cannot properly regulate temperature (and prevent facial flushing) unless kept cool and supplied with adequate water. Water also hydrates the skin, preventing clogged pores.
Avoid stimulants such as coffee, tea, tobacco products and excessive sugar.
Avoid alcohol.
Avoid vigorous scrubbing, exfoliants, and other abrasives.
Use the right soap. Most soaps are too harsh for rosacea-afflicted skin.
Recognize and avoid foods and beverages which provoke a rosacea-related allergic reaction.
Avoid large meals; eat three small meals instead.
Avoid astringents and astringent soaps.
Change wash-cloths and body towels after each use.
Avoid the sun as much as possible. Sun exposure aggravates rosacea.
Rosacea-Ltd is simple and easy to use.
Rosacea-Ltd is more effective than antibiotics because bacteria cannot develop a resistance to its ingredients.
Unlike most rosacea products, Rosacea-Ltd has no known side effects.
You can be confident that you run no risk in buying Rosacea-Ltd.
Rosacea-Ltd effectively improves the appearance of skin affected by rosacea-related papules, pustules, facial redness and dilated facial vessels.
Scientific articles on rosacea, rosacea treatment, and rosacea-related lifestyle changes.Also The International Rosacea Foundation has very scientific rosacea treatment information that is very clear and helpful at The International Rosacea Foundation.Org.
Some rosacea sufferers also have lupus. The symptoms of lupus are listed